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Hafsa Azmat

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Hafsa Azmat last won the day on July 9 2018

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  1. Hi, I am using auto select list to pick a section for shear wall design. when i run analysis for second time, to revise auto selection i got this error " NO Load Cases to run". Also when i unlock the Model i got another warning. i am unable to comprehend this behavior please help.
  2. either you do welding or make a bolted connection, your scheme of welds and bolts will gonna decide if your connection can takeup the moment or not
  3. by composite beam i mean the steel beam supporting deck slab, and i want to design this beam as composite beam taking advantage of top rcc deck slab. i want to know the closest realistic method to achieve this behaviour. Esp is CSI SAP2000. thanx.
  4. hi how can i model composite beam in sap2000 for close to accurate design and analysis TIA
  5. HI I have a query about RCC structures supporting steel bin ( contains Rawmaterial ). Steel bin manufacturer has provided the steel bin dead load and material load. Material load stored in bin has huge weight. My question is that should i apply this Material load (which will be constant some times or varying) as Live Load or i should distribute this load in dead and live in certain percentage? Like 60% of Material Load as Dead load and the remaining 40 % as live load.? please suggest
  6. hi -Can anybody help me out to find the method of seismic horizontal story load distribution on frames and at column nodes. I want to verify the nodes loads ETAB is giving me, and the story force is distributed in frame system. I am doing static linear analysis. -Story Shear = 781.84KN -Its single story model (for study purpose) -Grid dimensions and load distribution at nodes are visible in attached pic. TIA
  7. i would say u just increase the deformed shape scale factor while watching dead case deformation cause its working for me.
  8. check load case to run , may be you have 'turn' dead case in 'not to run cases'
  9. from the pic, your area of allowable bearing capacity violation is large , better not to do average. Though the method of averaging is by importing nodal soil pressure table in excel and take joints avg.
  10. Hi Sir, I am using Sap 18 for analysis. I had a look at assembled joint masses, where I see and located the joints showing -ve masses, but its program calculated and I don't want to alter that. I have not applied any loads to Slab mesh point. What I have done is, I have assigned my equipment pulling load in new Load pattern “L.L-Pull” and didn't added that Load Pattern in my Mass Source. That way I am not having warning for "-ve Mass source". And added that new Load Pattern in my Old Case “L.L” to counter it in member Design.
  11. Hi there I am analysing a building in which i have assigned some negative point loads cause of pull from my equipment loads in live case, when i m running analysis its is giving warning for negative values in mass source ( i have added that case in mass source as this case includes both gravity and pull forces) Is there any way not to delete those pulling loads and remove the warning in my mass source
  12. I am intersted to knw th method adopted by tarzaghi as its results are closest to experimental work, i vl go through ur refrences on Reese
  13. This is relation bw vertical subgrade reaction and bearing capacity not covering horizontal subgrade reaction
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