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asadishaq last won the day on July 1 2020

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    karachi pakistan
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    N.E.D University of Engg.&Technology Karachi
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    Arif and Associates
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  1. @Hussam Afifyyou can manually apply the overturning check, multiply horizontal load (either from wind or seismic) with the distance from the bottom of the footing to get your overturning moment, and then check against the stabilizing moment i.e (weight of the structure + soil above footing multiplied with their respective lever arms.
  2. WALEKUM SALAM! Dear Khurram, After running the model go to file menu >Print tables > Input menu and select load options and select all load cases then print the summary, it will show the automatic lateral load calculations
  3. Based on Technical Report No. 65, Expansion Joints in Buildings: issued by Building Research Advisory Board, Division of Engineering, National Research Council, USA. As per Figure 1 in the above referenced publication, the maximum allowable building length without use of expansion joints, for design temperature change greater than 70º F (39º C) will be 0.85x350=297.5 ft = 90m. In view of above, we would like to avoid expansion joints in any building which is less than 90m in length, except where a seismic joint is required due to configuration of the building (plan irregularities, re‐entrant corners, etc.) or due to different lateral force‐resisting systems for the two parts of the building.
  4. What is the criteria for providing hanger bars? any code reference etc.?
  5. Shrinkage strips are temporary joints that are left open for a certain time during construction to allow the shrinkage to take place without inducing stresses. It is usually 2 to 3 feet wide across the entire building and should be cast 2 to 4 weeks later than the adjacent portions.
  6. Follow the link below, I hope this will clarify your query. https://wiki.csiamerica.com/display/etabs/ETABS+v7%2C+v8%2C+and+v9+Translator
  7. If the frame is located in zone 3 or 4 it should be SMRF, and if it is in zone 2 it should be IMRF.
  8. EA consulting is very good organization, they have good projects and have very experienced professionals, working environment is also good they have bridge department and also the building department.On the other hand M&B is equally good as EA they only have Building experts and they are now a days doing very good high rise projects.
  9. Dear Umar Bhai, These are the concrete columns,I want to know how should I detail these columns if I provide the hinges in ETABS at top and bottom of the columns.
  10. Dear All Experts, Can we provide hinges in the columns at top and bottom? I am asking this question in a scenario that my columns are very close to shear walls and are getting very high moments.
  11. https://www.csiamerica.com/products/safe/watch-and-learn watch the tutorial for SAFE foundations uplift
  12. Dear All While visiting the site I observed water dipping out from these cracks on the slab soffits,please see the attachment. What type of cracks are these, and are they alarming for us. Type of slabs are two way slabs supported on beams,slab thickness is 8 inches and span is 27 feet by 31 feet. In my understanding these are yield line cracks because they are resembling the yield line patterns. slabcracks.zip
  13. Providing 12" PCC cannot controll the settelments because on the application of load this PCC layer will be crushed and will change in to a powder form.
  14. wasalam, Dear Waqar, For allowable deflections of two way slbas please refer to the table 9.5( of ACI 318-08,where you can find the maximum permissble deflections for two way slabs.secondly if you want the procedure how to check, it can be easily done by importing your floor in SAFE where you can check the deflection of slab at any point. Thanks
  15. inter story drift is exceeding in basement levels,also torsional irregularity greatly exists at different levels.should we consider the underground stories for seismic drift and torsion???
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