All the Interaction diagram for columns design by ACI code in English unit. Always we used SI unit. The Axis of this diagram Kn and Rn its dimensionless so Can I use it for to get ratio of steel even in SI unit after checking only fc and fy
I have petrol tank 30 ton rest on ground its size 10x 5 m . I wnat to design raft foundation but the tank it rise by 0.5 m from top of foundation.Is foundation will design for uniformally load or concetrated load depends on supports (0.5 m) and how the load will be on supports
I have slab with 16 *14 m span but not regular. These dimension are the biggest. Over the slab I have 3 cooling tower weight for each one 10 ton. Can I use grid slab without add any columns with this loads or its considered high.
Any suggestion you have please post it
When we consider orthogonal effect in seismic combinations. How we can arrange the combinations for both method equivalant and response spectrum method by using ASCE
If there is any excel sheet