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Palash Engr

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  1. Honorable Engineers, please see the attached photo. There was a 5P pile group but in real situation field Engineer moved one pile position from original. There is no way to re-constract one extra pile at original position. Please give a solution so that we can solve it by increasing cap thickness or increasing reinforcement of cap or both. 5P-pdf.pdf
  2. Honorable Engineers, Please see the attached 3 Photo. I have completed all works (Model/Design etc) of superstructure. now, for foundation design, when I searched for column/Shear Wall base reaction , I am seeing this strange negative point labels. This point labels are not shown in model, they are appearing in only the Tables (Display > Show Tables > Reaction) . Please help me to understand this things!
  3. Dear members, I am working on a 10 storied rcc factory building with one basement, where floor loads are in general 125 psf(Live) . but there are 2 warehouse in the building at ground floor & 10th floor where the Live load of stacked materials are 450psf. I have modeled it and analysed in ETABS. After analysis, seeing the floor displacement for seismic load, i am in big shock to see the pattern. the displacement pattern suddenly increased hugely & then got normal . if the warehouse load created problem, then why it effected only Ground floor level, not the 10th floor! Please tell me how can i solve it.
  4. it will be very much appreciable if someone please upload a detail drawing like the following one i did. I think my concept of detailing shear wall section from ETABS result is not correct. 1 , 2 & 3... is anyone is near to correct drawing?
  5. Dear Engineers, please reply this one. Someone please explain the results with detailing. What is 0.0064, 0.0116, 0.840 in^2/ft, 0.801 in^2/ft, 45.000, 45.000 here ?????
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