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Anushka Ruchira

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    Sri Lanka
  • University
    University of Moratuwa
  • Employer
    Bimal Fernando

Anushka Ruchira's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Oh sorry. It should be corrected as "reducing it's length to 33%". Yes it is true than it has a drastic reduction of length. Upper column section is almost 6% reinforced to it's maximum. Actually the below section length is provided more than enough as a requirement of architecture
  2. No it's not. I am referring to a column failure. It's some sort of edge splitting of lower column which can be avoided using transverse rebars by means of some gripping mechanism.
  3. Hi, In a high rise building, A stepped column(offset column) is formed like shown in the attachment. The lower column section is reducing it's length by 33% to rise above a particular floor(at 6th floor of the 48 storey building). I would like to know whether any bursting effect will occur at the end block of the lower column due to this transition & any guidance of how much transverse reinforcement is required to resist this bursting. thanks in advance step column.pdf
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