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Muhammad Munaf

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Muhammad Munaf last won the day on January 26 2019

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  1. Asalam Walikum, I encountered with the design of foundation with uplift. The soil report recommends me to design foundation that resists atleast 1 tsf while placing foundation. How can I made my foundation pad to resist 1tsf without any load from top. I am attaching the soil report and hope that seniour engineer will recommend me.
  2. Respected all, I am working on project which has foundation consist of Pile Caps, Tie beam and tie slab. The problem which I felt is that when I see reinforcement of tie beam it shows me too much reinforcement like 30-#8 in top and around 20-#8 with beam size 18"X72"(Depth as per Pile Cap Thickness), all the reinforcement is showing in SAFE. But when I resized the tie beam size to 12"X24" it shows very lesser reinforcement. Now the question arises in my mind is that what to do with size of tie beam? Can I reduce the size of tie beam if yes then can some one provide code backing or authentic background? or if not possible then I can placed the same reinforcement as provided by SAFE.
  3. Ok this is what we do in etabs ? But can someone tell me that how we calculate partition load in solving slabs manually.
  4. Engineers, I am in confusion of calculating partition wall load on slabs. If anyone knows the calculation of partition load on slab then please share here.
  5. Generally we reduce the f22 f12 m11 m22 m12 modifier to 0.35 assuming that the wall is cracked so base shear will diverted towards column. This results in reduction in area of steel of shear wall. Moreover we put 1 in f11 because we believe that shear wall is taking 100% in plane force but the judgement between f11 and f22 is based on your structure. Moreover you check and compare stress with modulus of rupture to judge what value is to be used i.e 0.35(if stress exceed modulus of rupture) or (between 0.35 and 0.7) Thank u
  6. Sir any reference or any assumption why we design this as column because my project is in submission phase so if it is objected by vetting engineer so therefore I want to justify my decision to design it as column.
  7. Sir what about the ties(Shear reinforcement) ? Do i provide according to shear wall or as column according to IMRF(zone 2B)
  8. Asalam walikum Engineers, I am doing a project of basement + 20 stories I have given shear walls of sizes width=42" thickness=36" in order to satisfies the torsion irregularities and drift. The question arise in my mind how to design that wall as shear wall or column with 1% reinforcement because many engineers use width to thickness ratio less than 4 to design as column or shear wall. In my case width to thickness ratio is around 1.167 so I can detail it as column with 1% reinforcement and ties according to IMRF(in my case). Thank you
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