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Everything posted by Kamranullah

  1. which system is economical Dual frame or Building frame ? I am Designing the building there is restriction of increasing length of shear in X direction. SO how can i design this building under which system is fall ?
  2. how to conncet these 3 beam and Design as one beam. because the 3rd part is not passing in Shear/torsion and rest parts are passes ?
  3. I think you are designing Building in Zone 3 or 4 ,as in Zone 3 and 4 Detailing , Beam bar are not lapped at or Near joints
  4. Please Share the Analysis and Design procedure for the Pickup Column , If you have any Notes than share here or kamran29293@gmail.com
  5. What is the Deflection Criteria of cantilever Beam and how to model & analyse Tapered Section of Beam in etab i.e D is 3.5' at start and 1.5' at end . Pic attached. The Upward Camber will provide any effect on the reduction of Deflection ? @UmarMakhzumi need ur Expert Opinion
  6. what will be the allowable deflection for this beam? and Can Negative Reinforcement reduced the Deflection ? 500mm is clear depth or it include the 150mm of slab ?
  7. Can you share your Pickup Column Drawing ,so that we can learn new thing?
  8. As the Load cases Option is not present in the Etab 9.7.1 so how can we reduced/modify the Base Shear?
  9. Then How will be shear wall design for ? 100 % or 75 % Base shear ? I have one new Question : Architect usually place lift core wall in between the U shape Stairs . Now if I want to Design the Lift Wall as Shear wall ,will it resist the Lateral forces as The lift wall is Not Connected to the Slab.Drawing attached
  10. "So the most economical and effective way to reduce drift is to increase beam depths (and slab thicknesses as well)." as Depth is restricted By increasing the Width of Beams decreases the Drift or Not ?
  11. These Type of problems and Deep technical Ambiguites should/must be shared to get the Experience Str Engineers opinions . I appreciate you on highlighting this issue and Thanks to all the Engineers who responded to your post
  12. Sir if the Shear Wall takes 2% of the Total base shear of Building , Then how to attract the remaining 98 % base shear to the Shear wall ( Note the Shear Wall is present only in around lift )
  13. please any one can guide me on this issue Qno1 : As in the multistory building the bottom story columns has high strength concrete(5ksi) while the top stories columns has low strength concrete ( 3Ksi) , Is there any conflict with code ,practice and does it effect the performance of building during earth quack load or gravity load ? QNO2 : if the column has high strength concrete than beam does it effect the performance of building during earth quack load or gravity load and transfer of loads between beam & column? Qno3: if the Concrete strength of foundation is less than Column concrete strength ? will it be ok according to load transfer or codes ?
  14. please any one can guide me on this issue Qno1 : As in the multistory building the bottom story columns has high strength concrete(5ksi) while the top stories columns has low strength concrete ( 3Ksi) , Is there any conflict with code ,practice and does it effect the performance of building during earth quack load or gravity load ? QNO2 : if the column has high strength concrete than beam does it effect the performance of building during earth quack load or gravity load and transfer of loads between beam & column? Qno3: if the Concrete strength of foundation is less than Column concrete strength ? will it be ok according to load transfer or codes ?
  15. part 3 answer : We check punching shear for Raft when column is directly placed over the raft ( in case of no beam b/w raft and column similarly in case of flat plat slab ) but in your case column load is directly tranfered to the beam which distribute it to the raft so there is no possibility of punching failure . Note : you should then design the Beam of raft and also Beam stirrups spacing
  16. When i increases the size of column the Beam between this columns Gives less negative reinforcement . Usually when we increase the Column size the negative reinforcement increase in beam to Counter the negative moment . please guide me if i have Wrong concept or Guide me . this analysis were did in Etab 2016 . Screen shot are attached col 18x24 col 18x28 Col 18x33 col18x36
  17. Wall volume = Hieght x length x Thickness ( all units are in feet) Wall Load ( point load ) = Wall volume x 120 lb/cft Wall load on slab = wall point load / area of slab ( Gives load in lb/sft i.e psf) in software assign it as Super dead load
  18. Please guide me about this problem Picture attached I have design this building without stiffness modifier and then with siffness modifier 0.7 the Column longitudinal reinforcement become less when siffness modifier is used ? what is the reasons for this decreasing in reinforcement with decreasing the stiffness of column
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