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Everything posted by Eng.kh

  1. Dear engineers, I modeled a building in ETABS, and under wind loading, then I got the result of story response forces like this. The semi-rigid is assigned, and the slab are flat slab. I wonder why the overturning moment and story shear force reverse the value from negative to positive value at certain story as I highlighted. Is there any problem with this? what caused that problem? Thank you in advances for your ideas.
  2. Dear engineering friends ,I have a question regarding the problem of checking the shear force between core wall and response story plot in ETABS 2016.I check at the top location of story 75th, and see that the total shear force in core wall is bigger than the total shear force by story response lot under the same wind load case?I cannot figure out what wrong with this matter?I have attached the picture below:Please kindly advice me on this matter.Thank in advance.
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