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Gerald Elusen

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Everything posted by Gerald Elusen

  1. Hi Engineers I have to model a building with 4 basement levels. Do i need to include retaining walls on my Etabs model? Does Etabs differentiate between shear walls and retaining walls? What i am trying to avoid is to make my structure so stiff that it attracts a lot of forces while in the real sense its not. Thanks for your comments on this warm regards Gerald Colyvas
  2. Thanks. i have seen some engineers do proceed and design using load combination that involves ELF, is this economical? whats the point then of doing RSA? If we are using RSA, then how can we account for the orthogonal effect (the 100 30 rule?)
  3. What if the results from RSA are much higher than ELF method? Should we just scale it down?
  4. Hi Rana I would love to read your thesis, can you share with me please? Regards
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