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Asif Mostafa

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Everything posted by Asif Mostafa

  1. Should we change stiffness modifiers, if a certain shear wall fails. Suppose I have 10X50 shear wall with 0.7 (for f11, f22) and 1 for f12. Now if these shear wall fails in seismic or wind combo for flexure of shear should we change the modifiers to make it pass.
  2. We are designing a Steel Cement Silo. The client require us to calculated the loads as per the Eurocodes. As Eurocodes have specific guidelines for the Silo. Can anyone share a calculation example for the wind load for the silo. I am having some confusion about the End Effect Factors. For reference I am attaching the Excel Spreadsheet. Your input will be highly appreciated. Loads on Silo Calculation 3500 Metrric Ton.xlsx
  3. Should you design the beams connecting to a shear wall in a two way slab system having beams (both internal and external) incorporating overstrength factor?
  4. How do you calculated lateral soil spring constant along the depth of a RCC Secant Pile System braced at one level?
  5. Thanks for the help. And should it be done by creating separate case for separate vehicle type such as HL 93K , HL 93M etc.?
  6. Can anyone help me with Multi Step Bridge Live Load Pattern Generation? I am having trouble in understanding how different parameters are set namely Start Distance, Start Time, Speed etc. The problem is how do I identify the critical case such as how many vehicle will cross the bridge at the same time?
  7. Anyone can guide me through the Code & Standards that are required for Design of Bridges?
  8. Rana Wasim & Saifuddin I will get with answer actually I am currently busy with my paper.
  9. Thanks for your response and insight. But the plastic hinge is formed after a plastic deformation occurs. And at that point the beam do not abide by the Hook's Law. Hence you have to calculate and define the non linear properties for the materials and section along with linear properties. By the way, is your goal is to performance evaluation due to seismic excitation?
  10. First for beam it will be MM hinge i.e. moment hinge. You have to define max moment and rotation or curvature corresponding to that moment. For column it will be P-M-M hinge. Here you have to define the balance axial load, balance moment, ultimate axial load and moment. Along with curvature of column at each corresponding moment.
  11. Use XTRACT for moment curvaature anlaysis. It's result are easy to interpret and you can easily identify the parameters to use.
  12. Yes your first mode is in torsion. To avoid torsion in the first mode you need to keep the mass participation ratio for Rz below 5% (.05) and below 10% (.10) in second mode. Also how many mode should be evaluated depends on the number of storey. In addition to this also check that whether the maximum deflection at corners are less than 1.2 times the average of corners.
  13. Does anyone have experience in using RAM Structural System? If yes, Can you illustrate or suggest literature for Lateral Load Analysis & Design using RAM SS.
  14. Which code you are following? Please refer to table 3.1 of AISC Design Guide 11(attached). Here it is mentioned that we need to consider 11 psf for paper office.
  15. Hi dear engineers, it's been a while I joined the forum. Currently, I am working as an Asst Senior Structural Engineer in ADCL, an affiliated partner of ADGI, USA. I am preparing myself for higher study in conjunction with my job. I have an immense interest in Performance-Based Seismic Design and Steel Structures. I always try to find literature, software, seminar notes, etc regarding these. Looking forward to enhancing my knowledge through mutual sharing.
  16. Thanks for your response. I know that. But to proceed with that, I need to have superimposed load for vibration evaluation. But for industrial building, no superimposed load is mentioned in the book. Should I consider the maximum superimposed of 11 psf for paper office?
  17. Actually, when you are modeling a beam that is supported on another beam you need not break it at the connecting point.
  18. For evaluating vibration of a composite floor system in garments factory. The floor will house manually operated sewing machines.
  19. How to check vibration of a steel composite floor system. I found and studied AISC Design Guide 11 in there A Table recommends load for vibration analysis and evaluation. But in that table no recommendation is provided for industrial buildings. Any suggestion to carry out vibration analysis for multi storied industrial building.
  20. There is a rule of thumb that the Structural Engineers of 70's used and still used as a means of getting an idea about how steel may require. It is expressed as (story/3+7) psf.
  21. It is 20'-3" (6075 mm). The cohesion is 358 psf for that critical height of clay is 19.5' (5850 mm). And the water table is at -1.5' (450 mm) from EGL. Along with these, there are 5 storied buildings with a foundation depth at -7'-0" (-2100 mm) and 2' away from the property line of the project in question.
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