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Zain Saeed

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Zain Saeed last won the day on January 17 2022

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  1. Is it a software issue that when I create reference points in ETABS 2016 for modeling of the lift core walls somehow they go disappear although i see their definition in the Edit grid system/refence points and also even i move my mouse cursor over them ETABS shows refence points exist but they dont appear as points for facilitating the modeling process
  2. Respected sir, I have some  quries about load bearing structure and i need your help  

    1 what should we consider whether the support of beams in residential building are fixed or pinned colum to colum and wall to wall?

    2 How we design isolated footing of porch column connected with boundary wall of residential structure and where we used double mesh in isloated footing ?

  3. Ahsan for learning basics of ETABS you can watch https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChjVkfl09By3LvpcIZwoAzA https://www.youtube.com/c/MunawarHussain9CivilMDC https://www.youtube.com/c/TheStructuralWorld/playlists
  4. any guidance for understanding the manual application of live load on top of the slab ..UDL or point loads ??
  5. While defining "Mass source" in ETABS for overhead water tanks, do we need to consider complete water load (defined as live in ETABS load pattern) ??? and what are provision in code for its importance factor (1 or 1.25 ) Secondly i have bracing beams (12x18) in rectangular OHWT and i am getting very high top and bottom steel (4.3 inch2) coming in them from ETABS against the load combo 0.9 dead + 1.43) Earthquake (modified load combo as per ACI 350). any idead how to tackle this
  6. If we want the building structure to behave as a building frame system (gravity load by frames and lateral load by shear wall) then do we need to make sure while modelling that none of the beams are resting on the wall and transfering the gravity loads as well to them ?? Secondly as you suggest "Furthermore if u r going for building frame system modify the moment of inertia about x and y directions in the section modifiers of the columns as 0.1 for both x and y directions.:" reducing the moment of inertia in both direction will not reduce also the axial load carrying capacity ??
  7. Is there some way to convert V19 ETABS file to lower ETAB9.7.4 ???
  8. Is there someway in ETABS higher version to view this non uniform load like a triangular load or contours to ensure that the load applied is accurate or not
  9. The images below are self explanatory for the tributary area method. I use this method to find the size of the column in a multistory building
  10. I believe the attached document would give you a little guidance to overall manual design process in load bearing residential homes Manual Design of Residential Homes.pdf
  11. Hamza i checked and confirmed from ETABs higher versions that its the story shears Vx or Vy we have to use for calculation of story stiffness
  12. Manual calculations are mostly performed and excel sheets are used to design conventional load bearing masonry structures
  13. I havent seen a dedicated book for the conventional design of masonry structures. However, most of the material related to conventional load bearing structure design in Pakistan is summarized in document below Manual Design of Residential Homes.pdf
  14. Direct Design Method (DDM) is the preferable method for designing the conventional two way slab system and other floor system like flat slabs and flat plate slab system. The ACI coefficient method is declared obsolete because the end results are more conservation (more factor of safety). However, still this ACI method is commonly used in most of the design offices for designing two way slab system. NOTE: ACI coefficient method is not used for designing flat slab or flat plate slab system.
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