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Nawaz Qasim

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Everything posted by Nawaz Qasim

  1. You can assign only one diaphragm for all slabs too. No problem
  2. Salam you can perform cracked section analysis (long time deflection) for the slabs. However, you can move the cursor over the beams midspan nodes to check the deflection occurring at that particular point. No other way around Hope it helps Thanks
  3. Salam Kindly Check Chapter 23 of Structural Concrete by Nadim Hassoun. it has what you are looking for. Thanks
  4. Dear all, In ETABS I have modeled the ribbed slab manually (Attached Figure) not using the default "Define slab option---> Ribbed slab" ... I have applied stiffness modifies in slab of 100mm thick 0.25 and for rib 0.35. When I perform cracked analysis (Long time deflection) in SAFE the manually (beam drawn) ribbed slab fails in deflection. But the one modeled using define slab option, it passes in deflection. Kindly guide which option should be opted ? Please find attached image for ccracked analysis used in SAFE courtesy of CSI america. thanks
  5. Salam, You can make an envelope for load combinations, and check the forces corresponding to the enveloped combination. in this way you will be able to check against the governing load combination. hope it helps!
  6. You can use default design combinations in ETABS, but make sure you design preferences are accurate before using default design combos. For Loads on structures kindly watch this: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mqasimnawaz_structural-concrete-design-activity-6905953661353357312-8R9q
  7. Salam Dear, Foundations are heavy structures, the DOF (degree of freedom) in the foundation is assumed to be "zero". so it restraining the all actions. The detailing of reinforcing in footings or foundations are done in such a way to resist all the moments coming from the super structure which stabilizes the whole structure. thanks
  8. how to optimize one way slabs ? optimal design of one way slabs ? what are key points to look for optimization? What should be the variables (Rho , Depth) ? how to make an economical slab? Thanks!
  9. What it takes to be an outstanding structural engineer? How can one enhance skills and knowledge in this marvellous field? -In short what are the key areas to be focused on? And what should I do? Thank you !
  10. When Calculating external wall load on ground beams (FFL +0.3) Should I take the total wall height on of all stories or just the story above ground beams? by total height I mean (Height of the building to where wall extends (T.O.P +9.00)x thickness of wall in elevation x density (assume 18 kN/m3) ? or take wall height up to (FFL +3.90) x thickness x density ? Please Explain ? Load to be calculated on ground beams!!!
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