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  1. What is the difference between Torsional Irregularity and Torsional Stability. Can a structure be torsional irregular yet stable?
  2. This means if there are cantilevers in the structure this large ratio value can be ignored. Secondly, if majority of the values are within code limits and one or two ratio values differ from the rest and does not conform with the code, It can be assumed that might be the problem in software calculation.
  3. Do we strictly need to follow code requirements for torsional irregularity check i.e the ratio should be less than 1.2. For example in the figure below in one of the story the max displacement and minimum displacement is less than 1 inch but the ratio is too much that is around 6. Someone told me that if the max and min displacement is less than 1 we can ignore the ratios and we check the ratios only if the dispalcements are greater than 1 inch. Guidance is needed in this regard. Torsional irregularity1.bmp
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