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Mohamed Elsharida

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Everything posted by Mohamed Elsharida

  1. Hi sir, 

    May you please explain step 3 for me and how to apply it on ETABS. I have done the Modal analysis and obtained natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes. I normalized the mode shapes and ready to apply step 3. 
    The details of the MADP procedure are expressed as a sequence of the following steps: 
    1) Develop a mathematical model of the structure, which incorporates monotonic nonlinear behavior and degradation properties of the structural components.
    2) Calculate the natural frequencies, ωn, and the corresponding modeshapes, Φn, through an eigenvalue analysis of the elastic building model. The mode-shapes are normalized so that the roof component of Φn equals unity (Φnr = 1).
    3) Compute sn = mΦn, where sn shows the distribution of lateral forces over the height of the building at the first stage of the ‘multistage’ pushover analysis.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you. 
    Please I need your help sir. 
    Kind regards, 
    1. Badar (BAZ)

      Badar (BAZ)

      Multiple it with floor mass.

    2. Mohamed Elsharida

      Mohamed Elsharida

      Step 3 basically implies that I have to adopt a lateral load profile proportional to the mode shape (for each mode n) for pushover analysis. I am not able to specify this in load case representing the above pushover analysis using ETABS, can you help me sir?


  2. Hello, Thank you for replying. The attached example is about Type 5 irregularity ' Weak Storey', which is not what i look for. At each beam-column joint of a moment resisting frame, the sum of nominal design strength of columns meeting at that joint along each principal plane shall be at least 1.2 times the sum of nominal design strength of beams, I wonder how this can be checked using Etabs. Please if you know how, let me know. once again Thank you.
  3. Hi experts, May you please tell me the procedure of checking Strong column weak beam philosophy from ETABS 18 ? Thank you in advance. Mohamed
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