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Everything posted by Sushan

  1. Hello, I am learning SAP2000. Hence it may be a general question. I have a 4*3( X and Y direction) bay frame building . While calculating the maximum story drift and the interstory drift in each direction (x and Y) which frame should we consider among those ? Each frame has a different drift. I mean the roof point on the outer frame has different displacement to that of same roof point on the inner frame ? So out of those 4 frame ( in X-direction and 3 frame in Y direction which should we consider?
  2. Can someone help me clearing the doubt on Pushover Analysis. 1. In this a building is pushed, but what is the limit or extent for pushing? 2. Is the target displacement( performance point) found out before pushing the building and after finding it building is pushed to that limit? But to find out target displacement (by displacement coefficient method) we need pushover curve ? SO which is done before. 3. What is the significance of target displacement? 4. Some reference to do pushover in SAP, Etabs or opensees.
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