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Saugat Humagain

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    Pulchowk Campus
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    Structural Engineering

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  1. Sir, What i mean to ask is in what basis you apply release in secondary beam?
  2. While providing release in secondary beam in etabs, we do not provide on joint directly and on intersections having other secondary beam, we only provide on the end where it is joint with primary beam only, why?
  3. In etabs, While assigning diaphragm to a story, we assign it to floor slab only of that story or even to beam in the story?
  4. While defining scale factor of response spectrum. We define it (I*g)/2R in some case and g only in some case why?
  5. Why should static base shear be more than dynamic base shear?
  6. Sir, Thank you for the answers i would be grateful if you could elaborate point 2.
  7. 1. Why are we putting two response spectrum (in x and y direction) in load case of etabs for response spectrum analysis? 2. What does response spectrum scale means in etabs which we see while adding response spectrum in load case? 3. On the load name( while adding response spectrum) we put U1 and U2 for x and y direction response spectrum analysis why is that so?
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