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Abdullah Alvi

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    COMSATS University
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    ACES(Architectural and Civil Engineering Services)

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  1. According to my knowledge, the masonary available in pakistan is of satisfactory strength, that's why we take its strength and E half of original. Also i don't have much experience in shear wall modelling in Etabs. The Answer given by me was according to my knowledge and its not final, as i am a fresh structural engineer and want to learn from this platform. Thanks. My question is, why we cannot design masonary structures in Etabs or safe? What's the main reason behind?
  2. Yes. You have to define M1500 from material properties then divide its E by 2, modify its material property and take its compressive strength 750lb/in2. that's it.
  3. We can design Masonary structures in Etabs. You have to define masonary wall with certain modifications and slabs like in normal.
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