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Engr Muhammad Imran

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  1. Hi, Greetings sagacious colleagues, As per the attached pictures, could anybody assist me regarding the following concerns, Why is NDT required, if not why? Method of repair and what will be the plan on the damaged reinforcement, especially the main bar, will it be cut and use a new one through spliced (welding, stirrups, etc.)? Which type of material is to be required? Thank you.
  2. We have read that cement has three grade 33Mpa, 43Mpa and 53 Mpa. Does the above mentioned grade classification as per ASTM? And what are the uses of these grades?
  3. What is the minimum curing period for concrete as per ACI Code or any other code?Does curing period same for all structural members i.e. footing, Beams, columns, slab and etc. made of normal concrete?As we familiar that concrete curing time based also depend on cement type.Can any member provide me the reference documents related to curing period w.r.t. cement type.?
  4. Thank you so much for providing me informative and reliable sources.
  5. Assalamou Alaikum Dear Members. Respected members we apply torsional constant in order to redistribute torsion in beams. Why do we think we want to redistribute torsion? Why we not consider it and design it for torsion?
  6. Thank you so much Dear. yes i mixed up because i am the beginner. And i really appreciated your efforts and for spending valuable time with me.❤️
  7. Asselam U Alaikum Dear members Dear memebrs I needed your opinion on something. In etabs, We apply stiffness modifiers which have effect on deformation and drifts as well. when we find drift, we apply deflection amplification Factor which also effects drift and amplifies it. Don't you think they serve the same purpose in case of drift calculations and we consider effect of inelastic deformation twice.?
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