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Moutasem Abdulrahman

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    Sharjah University
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  1. What if the beam fails in ETABS even with torsional stiffness modification factor in ETABS (0.01) but yet passes in SAFE, what to do? torsional failure that is.
  2. I have read what is been said , however i have applied the torsion stiffness modification factor (0.01) for some of my beams however they are still failing due to torsion, however they pass in safe. so what to do?
  3. Salam Alaikom, i am facing issue regarding beam torsion in ETABS, some of my beams fail in torsion whatever depth i choose, i checked my beams in SAFE and they all are passing, can anyone explain to me this situation? which is more accurate in beam design? can i ignore torsion in internal beams in ETABS?
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