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d.malan9 last won the day on April 25 2021

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    Sri Lanka
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  1. side ways and no support settlements ( No vertical displacements). Since the structure was symmetrically loaded there were no lateral forces expcept vertical displacements were taken in to account in ETABS. That was restrained and results were almost the same.
  2. Okay. Finally I found the reason for the difference of the results. It was due to the fact that manual calculation was done on the assumption of a rigid frame where no joint translations where as etabs did the calculation with joint translations which affeected the results. I assigned restraints to joints and then results were a match. Thank you for the support. Greetings from Sri Lanka.
  3. Hi all, I have done a sub frame analysis using manual calculation and modeled the same with etabs. However I see a significant difference between moments at ends of beams when comparing the results. What have I done wrong when modeling the frame in ETABS. Column sizes 300mmx300mm 4.EDB Input details.pdf manula results.pdf Section T Beam.pdf
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