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Everything posted by Abdallah123281

  1. ‏‏I have a quesion about proper model, analyze and design using etabs , i have no clear way to assign partial fixity for column and shear wall base , according to BS 5950 , which shown in the figure , it depents on the rigidity of the connection between member and footing , and found no way to evaluate this rigidty , so , i assume that i can assume pin connection at the base for all structural members and this is more conservative for building design , but how to design footings , should i make fixed base supports to get highest moments and design footings , is this too much conservative design ? If its a good way to design , and because i have shear walls that i design to handle all lateral load , can i assign fixed support for shear walls only when design footings and pin them when design whole structure ? Or this is not relevant ?
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