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Yasir Saleem

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Yasir Saleem last won the day on March 31 2022

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    New Zealand
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    Fitzroy Engineering
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    Earthquake Engineering

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  1. Yes sir, agree just forget to put that one in. Thanks,
  2. As Uzair mentioned up there that is one way for the modelling of sag rods, but as per my experience it do not give satisfactory results. several reasons behind this one as it depends upon your building geometry like size of purlins or beams you want to bridge and there length as well. The sag rods behave as pin elements at the ends and they are most of the time lose tight with the main member which is a bit difficult to model, they come to action only in case of severe loading (Normally they are just holding the alignment of main beams). if you model them as per above method you have to break the main member at the connection point to send through the force to them so they act as tension member but as same time you have to make them pin assign due to which you will get very strange deflection shapes for the model, even the force distribution changes alot in some cases again depending upon geometry. Some time you hit the right nodes but most of the time results are a bit strange and some compromise is done in design of members, the best way i figured out is that you model line elements (with none material or frame property just null element) as sag rods and apply loading keep the main member as one piece without break and take out the member force generated in the null element. Design the tension rod or sag rod for that force manually as per required code. The above method is more suitable for building braces for lateral actions or tension rods for hanging cantilevers where high loads are expected. Thanks
  3. Sir Umer sorry for replying so late as I just saw this today and didn't realize that it's a year old..
  4. For the steel canopies with the glass on the top you have to consider few things for the design. As others mentioned you the strength of the glass can be and should be provided by the manufacturers according to your spans and wind load requirements. There is a small software for the glass thickness check saflex which is available for free on net check that to get approximate glass thickness you can put in your initial assumptions for the glass like tampered double glazed with air space with assumed size etc . This glass thickness can be used for the dead weight calculation to be used in calcs. Now for modelling you can model the frame and assign the area shell element with weightless properties. And put your dead loads for glass as well as the framing of the glass with will be provided on the steel to hold the glass panels as oneway loadings on the area elements. Put your live loads mainly for the cleaning purpose on the main steel members as point loads take impact load and apply as pressure load point load on the area element as the glass is tested against the impact of any thing falling on it from a height check the codes there is a value I don't remember now but you can check its steel ball impact test. Also apply the canopy wind loadings you can calculate that from ASCE-7-10 or the check internet for the Australian code it has a special clause for canopy wind laodings. Once these loadings are done make you appropriate load combinations and complete your analysis. No need to change any modifiers for steel structure. You can check your shear and axial values all along the beams to calculate the connections required for holding the glasses. There area special pressure plates and tobbler coneectors normally supplied by the glass suppler and they are enough for holding the things but still you can verify the small screws provided by the details. Please excuse as the dicription is soo long but I hope this will help you.
  5. sir g i am attaching the architectural plan, sir have checked this for L/150 deflection considering it has a cantilever of 1925mm from column. And also checked for L/175 considering glass edge for the same cantilever side deflection . The only issue is now that which load criteria be used for live load. If i use 0.25Kpa load then deflection is different and if i use 0.58kpa load then different. Which is correct for this type of structure. Which one should govern for deflection. Thanks
  6. Dear all , I am working on steel canopy structure , general layout is like, its a 12m long and 3.250m wide canopy. Supported by two circular columns. which are 6m apart from them leaving 3m cantilever on sides. Canopy frame is 1.925m cantilever on front side of columns and 1.25m on the back side of column. The canopy will be cladded with aluminum. I want to know that as per ASCE and IBC this will fall under which category for live load selection and deflection criteria check. I am attaching the code live load criteria with highlighted section and also the deflection criteria. one section of the structure is also attached for understanding. Other loads like wind seismic have been considered as per the code requirements. Actually the design and strength are no issues in this only the deflection under Dead +live load is the one worrying as there may be a glass walls under the canopy in future. So i am looking for correct deflection criteria and also the live load which needs to be considered. code 1.pdf code 2.pdf code 3.pdf code 4.pdf drwg.pdf
  7. sir g thanks for guidance, Actually i am not sure for the dynamic loading but that was my question that if there is some force how we take it and what factor should be there but if there is no need for such loading i am ok with it, but that was my query i was just wandering... But ok i will do it accordingly as one of my course mate from Brasil also explained the same you are telling me so no big issues let me go with that.
  8. Sorry for being late in reply, I am attaching the drawing which i got from the contractor till now. I hope they will give me something in good shape soon but at the moment to have an idea this is it. Sir umer my first suggestion was to provide the concrete column and beam but they say no to it. In this drawing you can see i have proposed some elements. I hope they will be more or less working. I will use bracing if i need from calculations. But i just want to confirm the checks which we apply to make sure that in any case of vibration of dynamic loading it is safe. So that is why i am looking for some example. Scanned copy.pdf
  9. Hello Everyone, I am wandering if somebody guide me through the design of lift shaft for composite Structure. By composite i mean two existing walls are RCC one will be back wall and one side wall. Other two will be steel walls and opening is in steel wall. I have asked for the structural details of the existing RCC walls to check there steel and if they are designed as shear walls or not. I have to add the steel walls to make a shaft. I want help if i have to check the steel walls what should be my approach as it is not high rise its just a two storey building and lift will be GF plus FF only. the loading i have to consider is hoist load on the top of the walls which more or less behave like point load and i have to chk this for dynamic loading for vibrations that can cause or not later about the lateral loading. I think the connections will be simple as there will be no such great moments so i assume them pin connections. Loading for the diaphragm beam should be the slab load if there any and lateral loading. Bracing for the wall for lateral load. What about connections between RCC and steel should i keep them also pin or fixed with moments because what i am thinking that if the hoist is placed on RCC and steel wall then it will create the moments at the connection. So it has to be fixed. but then in that case the RCC wall should be able to resist the loading applied at that point. Please go through these points and suggest me what should i do. And yes if some one have any kind of design data or calculation example for lift shafts that will be great help. Regards. .
  10. sir thanx for the detail comment i was going to write some of your concerns about the limits that sir umer shared above these are there when gravity load or point load is acting and drift the consultant concern for these posts is midspan deflection due to wind load how much they will deflect and what is limit. Sir Zeeshan the height of total frame system is 10 m but there are two floors each with height of 5235 and at mid the RCC element is slab with beam just like at top.
  11. sir does that means that this we should not consider even if our deflection is like that much we just go with the delta if its oke then leave whatever the model show. and what about report when we print the report for certain load cases and the values are high does that will not annoy the checker ?
  12. Sir g please have look at these what is wrong and where...all the deflection criteria which are available or i have seen give us or tell us about the end deflection only. Slenderness and buickling is only one thing which t=is there to chk the element but what about this what i as asking, and if i am wrong please do correct me.
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