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Everything posted by Ayesha

  1. Please check Page 66 of attached ETABS concrete design manual (not page 66 of pdf) that talks about beam design and also clarifies how T-Beams or L-Beams are designed in ETABS. You can normally model beams as rectangular and after doing the analysis, you can use the moments and shear values to design T-Beams or L-Beams manually. T-Beams are designed for +ve moment; because b is the width of beam in compression and that would be on top of beam supposing slab is on top. Etabscon.pdf
  2. You draw segments with continuous condition like Makhzumi said. You can check your BMD and SFD and it will show you that as a continuous member. CSI programs (SAP and ETABS) do not analyze curved elements per se. Nevertheless, you can approximate a curved beam by using a series of straight segments. I mean, approximate an arc by using an open polygon. Be careful, if the lenght of the segments is shorter than their depht, concrete design will raise a shear overstress warning.
  3. Hi, Share your experiences on the best structural design firms that you have found while working in Pakistan. It can provide insight to members on the board to: join, not to join, or look for opportunities in different firms. Listing pros and cons will help others. Thanks
  4. You need to consider for both positive and negative (both directions) for a given X and Y unless your building is symmetrical and you plan to mirror results if you want to use +ve load combo only.
  5. Increasing iterations does extra runs. Here is a tip regarding general P-Delta thing. Turn off auto line constraints and run your model. Choose either auto line constraint or P-Delta, not both for same run. It would solve the problem. If not, redo meshing to a regular pattern.
  6. You should select "Include special seismic" and in DL multiplier use the value of 0.2SDs. When you do that, your automatic load combos would always be correct and will have the vertical component of earthquake added. Do it, and check manually. Code requires you to apply earthquake loads at a eccentricity of plus minus 5%. When you define a load case, say Eqx it is defined in X direction. you need to select EQX + ECCEN Y(5%y) instead of EQx only(see above image). Similarly, define a new load case in EQX -ECCENY(5%y) to satisfy that code provision. Repeat same for other direction. Its great to see more female engineers joining the forum. Zoya do tell your other friends too who are in the same field and lets make this place more active and more productive.
  7. What do you mean by few limitations introducing shear walls?
  8. Must see would be Shawshank Redemption
  9. Concrete elasticity is always considered for compression. You can do the tests your self on a cube or a cylinder. For the case told by Nustian 371, that would be something like bending, but remember, concrete subjected to bending is designed for compression only.. tension is always ignored. You can never have 2 curves.
  10. yes! Anyhow, if you still cant resist the urge, there are different models available for concrete in tension. Use them only, if you know what are you up to. For day to day stuff, modulus of rupture is there for some number crunching in design office.
  11. yes, plot stress strain graph for both cases and you will get two different Modulus of elasticity.
  12. Good chat. I can give you a very good suggestion. Dont read Nilson. I am saying that because, everyone in Pakistan refers to Nilson. There are other text books far much better than nilson. Do your search.
  13. Drawing shows top rebar on all sides
  14. like umar said votrex shedding is something that makes things vibrate "perpendicular" to the plane of the wind.
  15. The mods that are not active should be ranked down.
  16. If there is anything with L/D < 4, it is a deep beam and plane sections before bending are not plane after bending. You need to apply Strut & TIE Model.
  17. might be lightweight. concrete elasticity/stifness changes with aggregate.
  18. Plus, lean is also called mud slab in US. Lean is also provided so that there is no slush formation in the ditches if it rains and there is a time delay between foundation pouring and excavation.
  19. I havent seen any books that people use in design office. The firm I work for has the in-house tutorials that help new people start.
  20. Trouble kicks in when Field Engrs try to become design engineers or vice versa!
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