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Atif Ali

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  1. I hope you are doing well. I am performing NL dynamic analysis by using Sap2000. I am using a macro modeling approach for the infill walls. for the infill walls, I am using the link element approach and I am stuck on the point of "how to design force displacement curve in the link element ? I have read a couple of research papers and also saw some books but I am still finding difficulties regarding this hinges. if you have time can we have a little discussion on this?
  2. Thank you for your valuable feedback. I have checked all the files in that attachment and they used strut to show masonry wall properties. It was helpful but I have to assigned a Multi-linear plastic link element to strut for better NL analysis. and Now I am confused for defining some parameters in the ML plastic link element.
  3. Hello I am working of macro modeling in sap2000. I have to model a masonary walls in sap2000 by link elememt method approach . I have to draw the ML plastic and Elastic link but I am confused in some parameters .How can I define the force -displacement for the skeleton curve and what should be the parameters for hystersis ?
  4. Can anyone please tell me how to model a masonry structure in SAP 2000? It would be very helpful.
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