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Hasan Tariq

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Hasan Tariq last won the day on November 7 2014

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    listening music ,swimming,hockey ,cardio

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  1. Dear sir i am working in strengthening project by using buckling restrained brace of low to mid rise building .As we know that in order to avoid gloabal buckling the yield strength of the core should be less than buckling load of the core PCr/Py> 1.5 But if i used ordinary brace without any restraint and use the same strategy the member will yield before reaching buckling load .will that work .
  2. Dear all , Can any one tell me the difference between Spectral Acceleration / g Spectral Acceleration / PGA Are they mean same in the response spectrum . can any one explain e
  3. Dear all , I am designing 40 storey tall building in which i have to consider wind effects along with seismic forces .I have to follow ASCE7-05 for wind design .I which they asked to enter gust response factor .I referred to that equation in the code it consider the one paramter which is the natural frequency of the sturcture .How can i enter that value .What value do i have to used . Kindly help
  4. Thanks alot sir The reason for modelling the pipe as a shell section is that inside pipe there are steel sections .if i model the pipe as a frame section the inside steel angle sections are unable to find any connectivity .so when i run the analysis the billboard deflects in one direction and inside angle section move in the other or remains there.
  5. I am designing the bill board of the height of 40 m using steel pipe and angle sections .My question is my top deflection under D+wind load is 1.11 m and i want this deflection to be under 0.7 m .What are the parameters that i should use to control it . following are the details pipe 12mmwhich i modelled as shell section because i have to connect angle sections inside the pipe sheet thickness:3mm angle 2l85x85xl, L50x50x4
  6. yes sir you are right and got your point .thank you so much
  7. If i have a 180 m stack and harmonic force is applied at the 140 m .I have to plot the peak amplitude response by varying the frequency of first three modes .. Is is possible that i can get the amplitude of 3rd mode greater than 2nd mode .??
  8. Can any one suggest me the good book on random vibrations in structural dynamics other than clough ans penzine
  9. If we have tank size of 16x9x4 ft and we have to provide the steel in horizontal direction which is temperature shrinkage steel .Do we go for 0.003 or 0.006 of the gross area .?
  10. Dear sir , Thanks Can you sujjest me any good book for masonry design .Can you share the link of the book if possible
  11. JAZAKALLAH Sir If slab pannel would be acting as a sole foundation ,thn do this slab behave as a raft . In my case SOG is provided at the floor level and the foundation @depth of 8.5' down from FFL seperately. Do SOG is only be recommended for storage and machine operating areas ? .
  12. Can any one brief the basic definition of Slab on Grade .Where we need it and why .?
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