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Alisha Pradhan

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  • University
    Kathford International College of Engineering
  • Employer
    Studio Arcadia
  • Interests
    Designing structures and illustrations

Alisha Pradhan's Achievements

  1. The cantilever beams fails in shear even if the size is increased. Can torsional modifier of 0.001 be applied on these beams considering the case of compatibility torsion? or is this the case of equilibrium torsion?
  2. What can be done of the axial load of a column exceeds limit and the size of the column cannot be increased?
  3. I'm designing a structure using ETABS 20 following Indian Standard. The reinforcement is exceeding maximum limit on ground floor. The column size is 20"x20". The problem didn't get solved even if I increased the column size. I need to include a shear wall here too. How can I solve this?
  4. A building is designed individually dividing it into two towers considering an expansion joint is required, one building is translational in X- direction in the first mode and the other is translational in Y- Direction in the first mode. How can I check if the two towers of the building collide or not? if it collides, How can we mitigate the problem?
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