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haro0n last won the day on July 28 2015

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  1. if any one having some good material related to designing helipad kindly share it here.. i've to design helipad having 75 ft dia..
  2. then what about the beams if we model slab at same level then we cannot provide beams there. there design will be like simpl beams or some other parameters needs to be considered
  3. if we have to model a slab in etabs whose level is not same as surrounding slab i-e a drop slab let say 12" deeper slab then how to model such slab either model it at same level or we should add a reference plane and then draw it if we do so than we cannot apply diaphram to that slab so whats the best way to do this?
  4. its interesting that the formulas given by zoya for both case of SF computation for both shorter and longer side gives same result as if we solve by actual method of 45degree tributory area also shown in the attached file which suhail has shared. Triangular loading on shorter side beams of slab equivalent UDL For SF computations w (equivalent) = w*Lx /4 Trapezoidal loading on Longer side beams of slab equivalent UDL For SF computations w (equivalent) = ( 2-m)*w*Lx /4 so seniors what u would say??
  5. @rana waseem the other one is in attachment.. @baz why not for the same beam as they will be on two perpendiculr beams?
  6. nice information have you faced the same problem in etabs or not?
  7. how to differentiate between different types of frames ordinary, intermediate and special moment resisting frames and on which parameters they depnd and how to select one from them to be used?
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