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Found 20 results

  1. Dear Engineers! I need you people to suggest me the final year project idea for my undergraduate students in structure engineer
  2. Hello Friends, I am student of Final Year B.Sc Civil with highest distinction. I am unable to select FYP Project. I am interested in Structure and Material Projects. Thanks in advance. Regards, Kan
  3. Looking for some companies that can sponsor me free or cheap: cement,aggregate,steel bars etc for casting 3 RCC Columns for final year project in Lahore, Any info would be greatly appreciated
  4. A.A! hope all of the members are fine. actually i want some guideline regarding FYP. i want to have FYP related to disaster management in building. first of all i want guidance what type of topic i can select? seismic, landslides, floods all are disasters should i go for only seismic considerations? if yes which area i should select? second thing is is seismic design i should do or seismic retrofitting? i'm student of Bsc Arch. engg , kindly share some topics too on which i can work according to my level that you think will have some scope in Pakistan.
  5. Hello dear fellow Engineers, I would be thankful to all those Masters and pHD's on this site if U can Recommend me doing fyp on Siesmic retrofit of Existing Brick Masonry Structures. Am planning to build a user friendly software to determine the most economical retrofit and its cost. Any suggestion would be really helpful regarding it's feasibility. Thanks
  6. You can have a look at some existing ideas discussed in the forum: https://www.sepakistan.com/search/?q=fyp Thanks.
  7. AoA everyone. I want to model a soft storey in a building on etabs 2016 as part of my fyp. Can anyone here guide me how to do that?
  8. W/s Imran, It is very hard to say if your FYP would help you in securing a job but one thing that is for sure, is that you will get skills like assessing an existing structure, doing base isolation and information about seismic codes and the response of a building to a seismic event - such skills would help you wherever you go. I am not aware of use of base isolators in Pakistan, there might be sensitive military installations where these are being used but I don't know if the market is really big for that and there is immediate need for people having that experience. But like I said above, you will get a skillset that any structural firm in Pakistan would value provided you do your project correct and develop understanding of what you are doing. Thanks.
  9. Salam .I am doing my fyp on retrofitting by base isolation using different types of isolators. I want your opinion about the topic.will this help me in future during my job?? Is their any scope in Pakistan or shouid i change the topic?
  10. Salam everyone.I am NED undergate student . I have to design friction pendulum isolator on etabs in my fyp .can anyone help me out for this?
  11. Reading of the discussion in the following thread, may be helpful in this regard: http://www.sepakistan.com/topic/1653-help-regarding-fyp/ Regards.
  12. assalam o alykum.. i m a student of final year and doing a FYP on a topic " DESIGNING OF HIGH RISE BUILDING USING OUTRIGGER BRACED FRAME METHOD.." but unfortunatly we have no data availible about outriger designing.. dear seniors i want your suggestions..
  13. Assalam Alikum I am pursuing my fyp on Performance of RC Beam Column joint with effects of steel strips as confinement. My advisor is a post-doc and is not feeding me the basics of it. I will be performing a Quasi-static test and an Ansys model ! Need some advices on online sources or any good books that I can use for development of concepts as it quite a task for me being a Ugrad.. Thanks alot
  14. My suggestions are as under: 1. Some research has already been done and more is being carried out on various aspects of beam-column joints, both nationally as well as internationally. Searching the internet for the research papers on beam-column joints, might give you some new idea to include in your FYP. 2. You may propose the use of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) composites for retrofit purpose in your FYP. Although very efficient for seismic retrofit, these are costly materials. Since these are imported materials. Therefore, you will have to check their availability locally, before proposing their use in your project. Regards.
  15. Salam FYP topic should be of your interest. and like uzair mentioned check with your teachers which topics they are working in.At ungergrade level some work which is of practical knowledge is better than just theoretical/software based project. some FYP topics:- 1) model some real time/scaled down structural element beam/column/frame test it and than retrofit the same and check its performance again. 2)you may support this practical work with simulation but this will be over kill at this level 3)blast loading effects or progressive collapse is good for the present situation and you can specify safe building line for different blast loadings 4)work on local materials like aggregates/cements and other additives,cast cylinders/cubes check different properties 5)check performance of recycled aggregates against seismic loadings/blast loadings 6)target poor construction practices which is very serious issue in pakistan and support your view with experimental work suggest how constrcution practices can be improved 7)delay in completion of projects work on the locally delayed projects as case study 8)compare repairability/retrofitting of different structural systems with respect to time/cost/economy Regards
  16. Wa-alaikum-assalam! Discussion in the following threads may help you, in this regard: 1. http://www.sepakistan.com/topic/1653-help-regarding-fyp/#entry4161 2. http://www.sepakistan.com/topic/1654-ug-fyp-on-seismic-retrofit-software/ Regards.
  17. Assalam-o-alaukum! In engineering institutions, normally all the teachers having PhD degrees are busy in carrying out research in their respective areas of expertise, because of their service requirements. For this purpose, most of them will have new ideas and topics to carry research on. Accordingly, IMO, the best and the easiest way to select a topic for your FYP, is to contact your teachers (especially those having PhD degrees), and get their views about what kind of topic they propose to work on. From the ideas, obtained in this way from various teachers, you may select a topic (you might be interested in) to start preliminary working on and to adopt it later for your FYP after polishing the topic in various respects. Regards.
  18. Assalam-o-alaikum! 1. Before you can develop some software, you must have following skills, at least: a. know-how of programming in the computer language or environment (e.g., Visual Basic, MS Excel etc), you want to develop your software in. b. Detailed procedure of doing manually, whatever you want your software to do. c. All the data and information, you want to include in your software, for making various decisions and outputs. d. Preparation of a detailed flow chart, based on which the software will be performing various tasks, and making decisions & outputs keeping in view the data input and user response. 2. In case you have (or can manage to acquire & collect) necessary skills & information mentioned above (regarding your proposed topic), you will need to the get the consent / approval of your teacher (and or department) to proceed with your proposed FYP. Regards.
  19. Another query i forgot to mention that can blast be considered in disaster management, (man made disaster)? i mean to say can it give a good topic for FYP and have scope in Pakistan? Department's chairman require projects that will have some market value because these projects will be displayed and exhibited to different personnels from renowned construction firms.
  20. Asalam o Alaikum sir... Can any body do me a favor pls..in our FYP we have designed a soft ware for the designs of almost every structural member taught by Col Iqbal.. I need the confirmation of one the any example better of Twp way slab from any other re known soft ware... kindly reply and then i will send u an example to solve ​2nd query of mine kindly some 1 send me the limitations of SAP ETABS or STAAD Pro. ??? pls a lil hurry as we have to submit our write up to friday !! REGARDS
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