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Found 2 results

  1. Asalamualaikum I use manual method or Response2000 to find yield moment capacity of RC sections. In case, if I have a section 12”x12” having 4-#6 bars... i can easily calculate the capacity.. but if this section is retrofitted with steel L4”x4”x3/8” member at all four corners then how can I calculate the moment capacity? (see attached picture, the bold corners showing L shape steel members) Thank you
  2. Salam if we have to increase the area of an existing column of size 24x24 reinforced with 22#8 bars to 36x36, columns has been erected on a 24" raft with 11ft height constructed, columns will be erected two more 11' heights. seismic zone 3. if steel jacketing applied how can the jacketing sizes, thickness and strength can be calculated. any other techniques can be applied? any literature relevant to this problem, code references, books, articles or case studies Regards
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