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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, Can anyone tell me if the below calculation will be transposed (C and D values) for Water Load acting on Mushroom or Bottom Cone Tank. Please see reference images for calculation (for rectangular tank) and model. Thanks.
  2. Dear all, I'm designing a retaining wall with 22 ft height of stem and angle of internal friction as 30 deg. I thought of doing it in RCC but somebody told me that retaining walls have been casted in PCC with much more heights i-e above 50ft. Can anyone guide me on this as PCC is a much more cost effective approach as compared to RCC. Thanks.
  3. Dear seniors, I have a building nearly 35 ft high. I have a crane running at crane level which is at height of 26 ft. I have concrete walls of 200 mm instead of brick walls as exterior walls of the building. Now my question is whether I should model this concrete wall along with columns to find steel in columns and drift etc? Or I should not model it. When I model it obviously wall also take part in bearing loads. What is the right approach. At start of my career i worked with a consultant he used to delete basement wall and then design columns and footings etc. I am attaching two models. Tell me which approach is right. Both of models are not having same loading.But in one model retaining wall is modeled through out and in one model wall is modeled but stopped just before touching columns. Thanks. Thor power house building waqas.EDB HPP(thor Design).EDB
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