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Found 4 results

  1. Salam, i) Is it good to provide 45 degree angle between proceeding and succeeding Raft at construction joint for shear transfer or we must provide key or diagonal dowels at joint as shown in figures below. ii) My second question how we can decide size of key between proceeding and succeeding Raft part. Regards
  2. As salamu alikum, Can anyone please tell me the preferable construction joint location in Piled-raft foundation? And which steps we should taken care for this type construction joint? Thanks in advanced
  3. Assalamu Alaikum I have some confusion about shear transfer through construction joints in rafts 1) Can we use flexural reinforcement at the top and bottom of the raft for transferring shear through the construction joint? 2) If yes than how will be the mechanism? 3) How can we use flexure reinforcement for both flexure and shear action in the context of shear transfer through construction joints? Thanks
  4. Salam, I have a Raft 5ft in thickness, 1- could we provide some dowel bars instead of key?, 2-two keys may provided to lock the joint better?, 3-location of construction joint should be at one third of column to column span? Regards
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