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  1. Assalam o alaikum, For assuring deflection check of flexural members, we compare immediate deflection due to live load with L/180 or L/360. Also we compare total deflection (sum of immediate deflection due live load and long term deflection due to "dead +sustained loads") with L/240 or L/480. These deflections are calculated using corresponding effective moment of inertia "Ie" using equation 9-8 of section To find out immediate deflection due to dead load we find out it using Ie calculated using cracking moment due to dead loads. To find out immediate deflection due to sustained loads we find out it using cracking moment due to sustained loads. To find out immediate deflection due to D+L we find out it using cracking moment due to dead + live loads. But to find out immediate deflection due to live load, we don't find it using cracking moment due to live load. We find out it by the difference of deflection due to dead + live load with the deflection due to dead load only. as shown by following results of manual calculations (Results from example 10.1 of PCA notes of ACI 318) Del.dead = 0.098 in (calculated using Ma due to dead load only and corresponding Ie came out to be 10648 in4 = i.e. Ig because Ma is less than cracking moment) Del.live = 0.0744 (calculated using Ma due to live only and corresponding Ie came out to be 10648 in4 = i.e. Ig because Ma is less than cracking moment) Del.(dead+live) = 0.344 in (calculated using Ma due to dead+live combo and corresponding Ie came out to be 5345 in4 < Ig because Ma is greater than cracking moment) Note that 0.344 is not the simple sum of 0.098(Del.dead) + 0.0744 (Del.live) because here for Del.live, Ie used was based on live only i.e. Ig =10648 in4; for Del.dead, Ie used was based on dead load only i.e. Ig = 10648 in4; and for Del.(dead+live) Ie used was based on (dead+live) load combo i.e. 5345 in4. All three "Ie" are different". My question is, how to cater this in etabs modeling because in etabs it simply super impose deflections due to dead and live for D+L combo which must not be the case. More over, does modifier 0.35 is enough to cater effect of effective moment of inertia? Thanks.
  2. Assalam o alaikum, What are load cases for which i need to check my deflection. ACI table 9.5 ( b ) there need to check two types of deflections. i) Immediate deflection due to live load ii) Total deflection [which is sum of long term deflection due to sustained loads [sustained load means majorly dead load and some portion of minimum live load which is permanently applied] and immediate deflection due to live load) And long term deflection can be calculated as immediate deflection due to sustained loads (sustained load means majorly dead load and some portion of minimum live load which is permanently applied) multiplied by 2. So equation goes some what like this i) for immediate deflection, Deflection = immediate due to live ii) For Total Deflection Total Deflection = immediate + long term where immediate deflection due to Live Long term deflection = 2 x Immediate deflection due to dead 2 is taken for simplicity in case of five years so Total deflection = immediate deflection due to Live + 2 x immediate deflection due to sustained load (dead majorly) Kindly varify.
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