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Found 7 results

  1. Aoa, Thank you all the seniors for providing such a nice learning platform. I am working on the design of a 3 story structure (2 basements+Ground Floor). Base level is at -10m from grade level while top roof (ground top) is +8m from grade level. Total covered area of building is 100mx60m which is divided into 4 blocks i.e 50mx30m each (See pic attached). Basement retaining wall is provide only at two orthogonal sides (one long and one short side) of each block. But this two sided retaining wall is creating extreme torsion irregularity in my structure. Normal span length is 12m. So my question is that can i ignore this two sided basement wall in my model ? because this is below grade level and would not contribute in resisting EQ.
  2. I am calculating building separation as per UBC 97. Should we calculate the INELASTIC Displacement either from SEISMIC FORCE or ULTIMATE LOAD COMBOS? What I understand from UBC 97 code is 'it should be calculated by ULTIMATE LOAD COMBOS'...Please provide reference from UBC97 if it is not so...
  3. As salam alaikum, I want to know how to decide the expansion joint thickness in RCC construction.?? Is there any calculation required to decide the thickess?? If yes? kindly tell where I can find the calculation method?
  4. Dear All, We are looking for a company who are providing services in Building Expansion Joints. Please advise us to make contact with the experienced people who have already have experience in Building Expansion Joints. Interested contractor may send their profile to below mentioned email address for further smooth process. Our Engineering department will contact them accordingly. Your earliest response will be highly appreciated.
  5. Assalam o alaikum.. My building is in zone 3 and it has a 2 inch expansion joint in it... So my building is divided into two blocks. Now I m worried when my structure will go under seismic excitation, Whether both blocks of structure will behave exactly same and will have same frequency of vibrations or will both of them can move towards each other causing collision.. Maximum story displacement for my structure is 0.81 inch. and I have assigned it value of R as 8.5. So maximum inelastic response displacement will be 0.7 x 8.5 x 0.81 = 4.82 inch. which is more than expansion joint. Both of blocks are NOT SYMMETRICAL. So both may not be having same stiffness.
  6. i have attached column layout plan of a 20 storey building,i am dithering about its expansion joint, whether to provide it or not. not found any code evidence yet. some books recommend expansion joint after every 150-200 ft. and some even allow up to 300 feet without any expansion joint. kindly suggest some authenticated source , on the basis of that i can decide. PLAN.pdf
  7. when there is an expansion joint provided in building, do we have to model both parts of building separately??? or we have to make a single model for both parts , ?? and second do we have to terminate our beams when there is a expansion joint, if we are making a single model for both parts of building....???
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