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  1. Dear All, I have designed the bridge between two building. Fixed at one end and roller at the other. The bridge at the roller end, rests on a concrete ledge. I have provided the expansion joint based on the formulation of ASCE for building separation. I have certain queries on it : 1- Is building separation formulation is appropriate to provide expansion/moment joint in my case? 2- I am trying to allow the movement through slotted holes in base plate. If my bridge required expansion is 300mm through formulation indicated in Point-1 above, should the slotted hole be twice of it i.e. 2x300mm = 600mm I am still unsure as to what size the slotted hole should be ? and what governs the expansion joint of bridge over the ledge end. I am relatively new to bridges. any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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