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Muhammad Hassan

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Muhammad Hassan last won the day on November 11 2020

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  1. Sir umer i had studied this document before starting discussion. This mainly adresses the stress increase in structural materials. This was practice followed before 1990's because at that time factor of 0.75 was not introduced in load combinations. We can increase allowable bearing capacity of soil by 33% under eartquake and wind conditions.
  2. While Calculating vu (Punching Shear Stress) safe also takes into account effect of moments also. Please go through attached file. It explains in detail how Safe calculates punching shear. ftn01-03.pdf
  3. Welcome sohaib. i hope that you will learn a lot here. Try to design by proper calculations instead of thumb rules.
  4. All new members welcome aboard. it would be nice if you introduce yourself

  5. Practically most of times delay in issuance of deliverables is due to 1. Delay of input information. 2. Change in input information Most of times point 15 mentioned by Muhammad Ali is overlooked.
  6. Sir Rana waiting for you reply related to conceptual difference between safe 8 and 12.
  7. i was making load combinations for descon new project. it was strange when i found out they are unaware of vertical component of earthquake. Except one project they don't take this. further more they are also unaware of special seismic combinations. but one thing is encouraging tht they most deal with steel structures and when we use ASD Ev is zero. This clause has saved them till yet
  8. Can any body give me referrence of clause which is generally used in foundation design that is "33 increase in bearing capacity of soil is allowed under application of wind or seismic loads"
  9. Em should be divided by 1.4. Referrence is same file mentioned by Ayesha above. I have read this on couple of forums that Em should be divided by 1.4...
  10. Thanks for reply. Wht about application of these load combinations for Allowable Stress design. Should they look like this. 1. 1.2D + L + (Em /1.4) 2. 0.9D +/- (Em /1.4) Please correct me if i am wrong
  11. I think connections of steel structures should also be added to this exception because as per UBC-97 Chapter 22 Division 5 it is written for almost all types of frame that connections should be able to resist Omega times of the design seismic forces. Where Omega is as per table 16-N of UBC-97. Waiting for your replies
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